How I build this site

Creating a web site is a rewarding experience and having a good and easy system to build that web site makes the experience even richer. You might be thinking however what do I need to do in order to create my own web site. If you search on the web you will come across recommendations to use a content management system like Wordpress or Squarespace and these are good options. That said for myself I am moving away from those systems and moving towards creating my personal web sites at least using a more hand-crafted approach.

What this means for me is that I am giving up convenience in order to gain control. Control over what you might ask? Well it gives me control over the look and feel of the site, control over how much extra stuff gets added into my site. This is because something to be aware of with convenience is that the platform you are building on will always come with extras that you may not need and may not be as easy to customise as you would like.

So for me personally I am creating content using markdown files, generating HTML from the markdown and copying into HTML pages for my site.
